19 August 1943 - B-17F 41-29595 TADLUR (Through Danger Let Us Ride), piloted by Lt. A.L. Nelson with Bombardier Lt. Thomas F. Morris, flew with the 20th Bomb Squadron, 2nd Bomb Group, on Mission 57 to Foggia, Italy. The crew carried out a precise and highly effective bombing run on the transformer station and marshalling yards, a critical target for disrupting enemy logistics. On the return flight, the 20th Bomb Squadron, endured a ferocious attack from Luftwaffe fighters, with TADLUR shooting down two aircraft and likely destroying a third. Despite sustaining damage and heavy losses within the formation, TADLUR successfully navigated the onslaught and returned safely to base.
Cargo Legacy, the story behind "Over the Hump"
The Final 3, the story behind "The Push Back"